Friday, February 19, 2010

Guess Who's Turning One??

My little niece, Ellyot, will be celebrating her 1st birthday next Friday! Jenna made her the cutest little tutu to wear for the big party and Ellyot was being such a little ham in it. :o) She just started walking, too, so this photo session was a busy one. :o) I love watching her grow!


Anonymous said...

Way cute Kristen!! Once again great job!!!
ross and kathy

Kaily Genzink said...

Great job Kristen!!! They are soooooo adorable!! But I mean look at our niece how can they not be right? Haha! You are AMAZING!!
Nick and Kaily

Ryan & Rochelle said...

Very nice picture's She is Very Cute!!! Job well done!!